Dental Questions: What do I do if I lose a temporary crown
Fortunately, losing a temporary crown is not a dental emergency. We primarily use them as space holders until the permanent restorations are ready. Even in the span of 2 weeks, the adjacent teeth can start to shift into the area created during the crown preparation. A temporary crown maintains space for the permanent crown, along with providing some chewing function and protection for the underlying tooth. If you lose a temporary crown, call our office and we will see you as soon as possible (typically the same afternoon/ following day). Remaking or recementing a temporary crown only takes about 20 minutes and usually does not require any anesthetic. Do not try to recement the crown on your own using drug store temporary dental cements. These products come with a number of risks, including permanently lodging the crown to the tooth or irritating the gums and periodontal space. Your teeth will not move significantly in the one to two days between losing your crown and having it replaced at our office.