Dental sealants (also known as fissure sealants) are an excellent way to protect deep tooth anatomy from collecting decay causing food and bacteria. These preventative procedures are typically done on children once their adult teeth are fully erupted.

For kids, tooth anatomy can be deeper and smaller than the diameter of a toothbrush bristle. However, these “fissures” are not small enough to keep out food and bacteria. The acid produced by bacteria, sits in the tooth undisturbed in the small fissures and begins to break down its calcium-phosphate bonds, leading to decay. Dr. Kari Ann Hong counteracts this by using a thin layer of “paint” to cover up the deep structures. This material is similar to the composites used to fill decayed teeth, but utilize fluoride release for added protection.

Dental insurances typically cover sealants at 100%, under preventative care. If you do not have insurance, or would like more information on why and when we place sealants, please fill out the contact box below to speak with a staff member at Thousand Oaks Family Dentistry.