With the rise of implants and implant dentistry, many patients assume that dentures are no longer a "modern" treatment option. On the contrary, dentures are a great way to replace missing teeth without the need for additional surgeries or trauma. Pictured above is a complete upper denture fabricated for one of our patients. It is in the wax try-in stage: this is a proposed shape for the final denture made out of adjustable wax. Once we confirm the fit and cosmetics of the prosthesis, we will have a permanent acrylic version made by our lab.
Dentures have a number of advantages of implant supported prosthetics (and vice-versa). From a functional standpoint, dentures allow us to "replace" both teeth and soft tissue. A well made denture can create the appearance of gums in deficient areas or level out resorbed bone. Implants have a more limited range of soft tissue enhancement and frequently require other procedures to get the full effect. Furthermore, dentures have a considerable cost advantage over implants, especially for replacing full arches of teeth.
When this denture is seated in the patient's mouth, it will be nearly undetectable during daily activities. However, some may find the idea of having a removable dental device objectionable. This is why our office offers a number of restorative services- from bridges and dentures to implants. If you would like to know more about the tooth replacement options available to our patients, please give us a call!